Psychological Services

Austin-based Counseling for Plastic Surgery Patients


Are you feeling unhappy with a part of your body and seeking a solution through plastic surgery or injectables? Have you been thinking about a subtle tweak to your appearance - or perhaps a major tweak? Have you been researching surgical options to improve your outer beauty? Do you find yourself obsessively scrolling before and after photos?

Look, I’ve been there! I’m not ashamed to say I’ve had my own elective surgery (I’m happy to share exactly what I’ve had done when we meet). I’ve also received Botox to my masseter muscles to reduce teeth grinding and soften my jawline. Additionally, I’ve had a bit of filler to add volume to my lips and undereye area.

Why am I sharing all of this? Well, so that you know I can relate to your struggles. I’m a highly trained, highly educated psychologist who is deeply aware of society’s unrealistic beauty standards. And while I am aware of these unrealistic beauty standards, I am not above them. I am not immune. I’m a human being - just like you - existing within the sometimes toxic culture of social media, AI, and celebrity. I want to convey to you that I get it. I understand the pressure to look a certain way or conform to a particular look. Pretty privilege is real.

I’ve been in the mental health industry for over 15 years. During my years of professional practice, I have counseled many individuals seeking to understand if their desire to alter their appearance is coming from within or coming from external pressure. It can be confusing and difficult to untangle your motivations on your own. I promise you pre-surgery therapy can help! I bring expertise in perfectionism, self-esteem, and anxiety, all of which could be tied to your interest in elective procedures. As a licensed mental health professional in Austin, I can help you feel psychologically and mentally prepared to go under the knife.

I’m a firm believer in de-stigmatizing plastic surgery. I want you to know I don’t think you are shallow or selfish for contemplating a cosmetic procedure or enhancement. I do not believe it is wrong or immoral to change your natural appearance or modify your body. There are many valid reasons for going the plastic surgery route, including aligning your physical self with your gender identity (i.e., gender affirming surgeries). I am here to support your well-being through the entire pre- and post-surgery journey.

Speaking of post-surgery, that can be an especially important time to seek the grounded, calming presence of a therapist. Along with the physical discomfort of recovery, there may be significant mental discomfort. While some cosmetic procedures may result in immediate satisfaction and an instant confidence boost, others may take up to one year to fully heal - perhaps leading you to question your decision. I’ve been through it myself and have soothed many clients during the post-op stage. I can help you cope with feelings of doubt, worry, or even regret. As your body heals physically, it is crucial to speak with a therapist who can help you heal emotionally and mentally. I recommend building a connection with a therapist prior to your surgery date so that you have a person you can rely on for emotional support during the ups and downs of the post-op phase.

The goal of my work is to help you feel empowered inside and out. I love witnessing the bravery of my clients as they consider changing their appearance in the hopes of improving their quality of life and building a more satisfying future for themselves. Often, elective surgery is something a client has been thinking about for years or even decades. Seeing my clients experience newfound body confidence and a renewed zest for life is truly a gift to witness.

Bottom line: I strongly encourage anyone who is considering cosmetic surgery or injectables to consult with a therapist first. By speaking with a licensed psychologist, you can feel more confident about your reasons for undergoing the procedure. Although it may be challenging to open up, I assure you I can provide a warm, nonjudgmental space to freely express your fears, hopes, and expectations. Let’s normalize talking about plastic surgery. You don’t have to heal alone!

Altering your appearance can be exciting, overwhelming, and potentially life-changing! I’ve been there myself, and I’m here to help you through every stage of the process. Focusing on the body doesn’t have to mean neglecting the mind. Reach out to align your physical AND emotional aspirations!